Bullion Dealer Shows Newest Fake Gold Coins From CHINA

Bullion Dealer Shows Newest Fake Gold Coins From CHINA

In this video I talk to a bullion dealer about the new fake gold coins from China. These fake gold eagles are made of tungsten and plated in gold. They weight the same as real American gold eagles but they…

Coin Shop Owner Shows Easy Gold Testing Trick - Avoid FAKE GOLD EAGLES

Coin Shop Owner Shows Easy Gold Testing Trick – Avoid FAKE GOLD EAGLES

In this video I visit a coin shop and the coins shop owner shows an easy gold testing trick to avoid fake gold eagles. Fake gold eagles usually come from China and can be hard to detect if you do…

Fake “Certified” Gold Coins DISCOVERED at Coin Shop WOW

Fake “Certified” Gold Coins DISCOVERED at Coin Shop WOW

this video I show off some FAKE GOLD COINS that were discovered at Harry’s coin shop. Someone brought in fake slabbed gold coins and tried to sell them to the shop. The fake gold coins appeared to be certified and…
