Bullion Dealer Shows Newest Fake Gold Coins From CHINA

Bullion Dealer Shows Newest Fake Gold Coins From CHINA

In this video I talk to a bullion dealer about the new fake gold coins from China. These fake gold eagles are made of tungsten and plated in gold. They weight the same as real American gold eagles but they…

Coin Shop Owner Shows Easy Gold Testing Trick - Avoid FAKE GOLD EAGLES

Coin Shop Owner Shows Easy Gold Testing Trick – Avoid FAKE GOLD EAGLES

In this video I visit a coin shop and the coins shop owner shows an easy gold testing trick to avoid fake gold eagles. Fake gold eagles usually come from China and can be hard to detect if you do…

5 Tips to Avoid FAKE Silver and Fake Gold

5 Tips to Avoid FAKE Silver and Fake Gold

In this video I give 5 tips on how to avoid purchasing fake silver and fake gold. I show some common gold scams and silver scams and where the purchase real gold and silver as well. The are many different…

Bullion Dealer Warns About FAKE GOLD and FAKE SILVER

Bullion Dealer Warns About FAKE GOLD and FAKE SILVER

In this video a bullion dealer warns about fake gold and silver. My bullion dealer or local coin shop owner shows some fake gold and fake silver that he has come across. He shows fake gold vs real gold as…

How to Spot Fake Gold Coins and Fake Gold Bars

How to Spot Fake Gold Coins and Fake Gold Bars

In this video I show 3 ways to spot fake gold coins and fake gold bars. Fake gold coins can be made to look exactly like real gold coins so it can be hard to tell if they are fake…
