Something is Going on Here With THIS METAL

Something is Going on Here With THIS METAL

In this video I talk about some of the metals that I am invested in which are gold, silver, copper, and uranium. I take a dive into uranium and talk about why I think uranium is a good thing to…

The Fed Just Changed the Game - Update On Uranium Royalty Corp

The Fed Just Changed the Game – Update On Uranium Royalty Corp

The Fed Just Changed the Game on us again. The difference this time, is that the fed is overtightening. The last time he didn’t act soon enough because it was transitory, remember? In this video I drop a couple of…

Will Inflation Drive These Metals Much Higher?

Will Inflation Drive These Metals Much Higher?

In this video I talk about Inflation and how you can potentially protect yourself by investing in metals. I talk about investing in silver and how silver stacking is a great way to protect your wealth. I also talk about…
