Tag: bank collapse
Crisis Incoming? This Is Why Gold Price Reacts First, Metal to Reach This New Record High This Cycle
Is the banking sector in trouble? Is there a financial crisis coming? Why is gold one of the first assets to react? And how high will gold prices go in this cycle? Dr. Nomi Prins, geo-macro economist and best-selling author,…
From Debt to Hyperinflation: More Banks to Collapse As System Implodes, ‘They Need a Crisis’ – Zang
Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News, interviews Lynette Zang, Founder & CEO of Zang Enterprises & LynetteZang.com, who says that one year after the 2023 banking crisis, U.S. banks are once again on the brink. Zang dives…