Crisis Incoming? This Is Why Gold Price Reacts First, Metal to Reach This New Record High This Cycle

Crisis Incoming? This Is Why Gold Price Reacts First, Metal to Reach This New Record High This Cycle

Is the banking sector in trouble? Is there a financial crisis coming? Why is gold one of the first assets to react? And how high will gold prices go in this cycle? Dr. Nomi Prins, geo-macro economist and best-selling author,…

From Debt to Hyperinflation: More Banks to Collapse As System Implodes, 'They Need a Crisis' – Zang

From Debt to Hyperinflation: More Banks to Collapse As System Implodes, ‘They Need a Crisis’ – Zang

Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News, interviews Lynette Zang, Founder & CEO of Zang Enterprises &, who says that one year after the 2023 banking crisis, U.S. banks are once again on the brink. Zang dives…
