Robert Kiyosaki: The dollar is 'fake,' this is why the American empire is at its 'end'

Robert Kiyosaki: The dollar is ‘fake,’ this is why the American empire is at its ‘end’

Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of the ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ series, explains why he thinks the dollar is ‘fake,’ and why he prefers assets that ‘cannot be printed,’ like gold, silver, Bitcoin, and even Wagyu cattle. He spoke with Michelle…

VRIC Preview — Jay Martin Talks Standout Speakers and Can't-Miss Conversations

VRIC Preview — Jay Martin Talks Standout Speakers and Can’t-Miss Conversations

This interview was filmed on May 3, 2022. The Vancouver Resource Investment Conference (VRIC) is returning from May 17 to 18 at the Vancouver Convention Center. Jay Martin, president of Cambridge House, shares his can’t-miss discussions and how to make…

'Black Swan' catastrophes are unlikely, but here's how to prepare for the worst - Jay Martin

‘Black Swan’ catastrophes are unlikely, but here’s how to prepare for the worst – Jay Martin

Jay Martin, CEO of CambridgeHouse and host of The Jay Martin Show, discusses with David Lin, anchor for Kitco News, the outlook for the economy and some of the safest assets to buy in the event of an economic downturn.…
