JPMorgan traders on trial for 'spoofing' gold, silver; Here's what they did to the price - Wagner

JPMorgan traders on trial for ‘spoofing’ gold, silver; Here’s what they did to the price – Wagner

Gary Wagner, Editor of, discusses the short and long-term impacts of market spoofing with David Lin, Anchor for Kitco News. Follow David Lin on Twitter: @davidlin_TV ( Follow Kitco News on Twitter: @KitcoNewsNOW ( Follow Gary Wagner on Twitter:…

Spoofing’s real impact on silver price: JPMorgan case explained – Jeff Christian

Spoofing’s real impact on silver price: JPMorgan case explained – Jeff Christian

Jeff Christian, managing partner of the CPM Group, explains how spoofing of the markets from financial institutions works, and how it affects the prices of these markets. 0:00 – Silver’s fundamentals 8:53 – JPMorgan spoofing 18:17 – Silver inventories are…
