Tag: selling silver
If Silver Price EXPLODES Will Coin Shops Still Buy My Silver?
In this video I go to Harry’s Coin Shop and we talk about selling silver and if the coins shops will still be buying silver when silver price goes up. If silver goes to an all time high who will…
I worked at a COIN SHOP for a day.
In this video I work at a coin shop for a day. I worked open to close at Harry’s Coin Shop selling silver, gold, and coins. I was able to talk to many customers about why they were buying silver…
How much PREMIUM will a local coin shop pay for silver? STUNNING!
In this video I visit Harry’s Coin Shop and we talk about silver stacking in todays climate as well as selling silver and how much they will pay for different silver coins. If you want to be buying silver in…
I will start selling my silver when THIS HAPPENS
in this video I talk about selling my silver and when I plan on getting rid of my physical silver. I have been buying silver for many years now and ever since the beginning I have had a plan to…
If Silver Price Goes TOO HIGH – Who Will Buy My Silver?
In this video I talk about silver price going very high and who would buy silver at that time. If you are wanting to sell your silver when silver price is high then it may be easier than you thought.…
How to Sell Your Silver and Gold for the MOST MONEY
In this video I talk about how to sell your silver or gold for the most money. When it comes to selling your silver or selling your gold there are several places to sell at. The 3 places I recommend…
I Sold All of My Silver Eagles…
I sold all my silver eagle’s and I don’t regret it. I didn’t just sell them for cash, but instead I bought land. Its something they’re not making anymore. I can always buy more eagles but land is something I…
Warning to All Silver and Gold Buyers (Part 2) – Don’t Sell Large Amounts!
In this video I talk about selling silver and gold and why you don’t want to sell large amounts at once. If you sell too much gold or silver at once then you will have to fill out a 1099-B…
Bullion Dealer Warns About Selling Silver and Gold in the Future
In this video I talk about selling silver and selling gold to a coin shop. I interview my bullion dealer Dennis from Center Street Gold and Silver and he talks about selling silver to a coin shop and selling gold…
Gold and Silver Look Strong – Big Uncertainty on Tuesday!
Gold and Silver Look Strong – Big Uncertainty on Tuesday! Strap in for a bumpy week, silver and gold had a great day Silver eagles and gold eagles are about to ship out next week and the demand is…