Which sci-fi movies are most likely to become reality? Technologist Ian Khan predicts the future

Which sci-fi movies are most likely to become reality? Technologist Ian Khan predicts the future

Ian Khan, futurist and emerging technology expert, discusses with David Lin, anchor for Kitco News, the technological disruptions that investors should watch for. Khan’s latest film, “The Bitcoin Dilemma,” documents the latest developments in cryptocurrencies. The Bitcoin Dilemma: https://youtu.be/HhcfLoTttFY Follow…

Can gold and blockchain fix a broken monetary system? George Gilder

Can gold and blockchain fix a broken monetary system? George Gilder

“We need to establish a ground state for the world economy, which will bring gold back into play through the expression of money as time,” said George Gilder, America’s top tech futurist, and best-selling author. He is referring to Blockchain…

Why Bitcoin is Actually Good for the Environment? #shorts

Why Bitcoin is Actually Good for the Environment? #shorts

#shorts Bitcoin is being badly represented in the environmental debate according to Dominic Frisby, author of Bitcoin – The Future of Money. #Cryptocurrencies are actually accelerating the adoption of renewable energy and renewable technology. This is a story that needs…
